Welcome to my blog on my independent study about Meteorology and Climatology! To say that I am excited would be an understatement for sure. Even ‘thrilled’ and ‘exhilarated’ just barely touch what I am feeling for this independent study.
Ever since the Science Olympiad meteorology event I competed in way back in 6th grade, I have become one with the weather, if you will. But, naming the type of clouds I saw and sharing their characteristics with whomever would listen (or was forced to listen, sorry Mom and Dad) was about as far as I got beyond my middle school teachings about fronts, sea breeze, and natural disasters. Luckily, my love for the weather persisted through this rough spot and here I am, finally prepared to dive deep into the rabbit holes of meteorology.

You might be wondering, what about climatology? That’s even part of her title! And to that I say, “hold your horses! We are just saddling up to head there now.”
I am a climate change activist inspired by my lovely mother and father and their work combating extreme climate change. While they work on policy and mapping, I am more interested in the communications side of the issue. But, for people to listen to what you have to say, you have to be credible. So, my plan here is to become credible. This means learning beyond my specific passion in meteorology and connecting it to my other passion of climate change communications. This, ladies, gentlemen, and others, leads me to climatology! (*Applause*)
My hopes for this independent study are to become a credible climate communicator, to learn the ins-and-outs of meteorology, and communicate my findings to a variety of people. This blog is step one; it reaches the people who already have an interest in meteorology, climatology, or just me as a person (which is totally understandable considering how fabulous I am). I hope, though, to reach a wider audience like the 9th grade Living Sustainably class I am revamping currently or the DA Sustainability Committee I am a part of.
Finally, I will leave you with a couple of warnings about this blog:
- This is very much a diary entry of interesting findings, experiments, and experiences related to my independent study.
- Due to this, these blog posts might be a jumble of ideas or it might be a really long explanation of something I just recently learned about (like barometric pressure which is so seriously confusing, what the heck).
- Additionally, I am a junior in high school so these posts will probably be published erratically and at varying lengths and with varying amounts of proof-reading.
- Finally, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or compliments (especially the compliments) about this blog, please send me an email at 25fay@da.org (or if you have my number you can just text me).
Peace out fellow weather nerds!